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Flensburg Harbour Museum
Herrenstall 11
24939  Flensburg

Fax: 0461/22027
E-Mail: info@museumshafen-flensburg.de

Opening Hours

The museum ships are tied up at the wooden pier round the clock if they are not on trips

In the close vicinity of the Flensburger Schiffahrtsmuseum there are about twenty historical sailing ships tied up at a wooden pier in the museum harbour. The pier is open to the public at any time.
Events in the course of the year are the “Rum-Regatta” in May, the largest regular meeting of traditional sailing ships in Northern Europe, or the “Apfeltörn” in October. Then freshly picked, untreated apples are sold like one hundred years ago. Finally in December, tough people can attend the “Grogtörn”. In this regatta the fastest sailing ship gets a joke trophy whereas the second one gets the real prize.