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Öömrang-Hüs, Amrum Archives & Museum
Waaswai 1
25946  Nebel/Amrum

E-Mail: info@oeoemrang-ferian.de

Opening Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri: Guided tours at 14:00
Group registration: 04682 - 4153

In the living quarters of this historical Frisian house from 1736 you can visit the kitchen, the living room and the „Pesel“. The latter is a living room that was only used on special occasions. It was once heated from the kitchen with a so-called “Beileger- or Bileggerofen” (by heating this cast-iron oven from the kitchen there was no smoke in the living room). This oven is located in front of the especially beautiful tiled wall with a picture of the ship of the Commodore who once owned this house. The “Pesel” served as a bedroom at the same time. The two short alcove beds in the panelled wall show this. Additionally, annually changing exhibitions are presented in this monument to cultural history.